Saturday, January 27, 2007

Welcome Grizzly Enthusiasts


My name is Cam (short for Cameron) and I am a recoil junkie. If it barks fire and makes big holes... I love it!

I have been a Grizzly handgun lover since my first experience with this awesome product back in 1989. I took a bit of a forced vacation from shooting after my home was broken into in 1990 and all of my guns were stolen. When I did finally return to shooting sports, I was so sad to learn that my favorite pistol had been discontinued back in 1999 and I have been on a mission to resurrect interest in these Grizzlies ever since.

I have been in contact with many Grizzly owners and enthusiast over the past year and decided to start this blog so that we can all share. I will be launching an official Grizzly owner's website in about two months (by the end of March). I will be scanning some vintage Grizzly paperwork and literature to post on this sight soon. In order to keep the smuts and nuts off of this blog... it will be by invitation only to begin with. If you would like to be added as an author/contributor to this blog... please send a request to Cam Stewart and I will send you an invitation to join.

I will be posting additional info each day for the next week in order to get things rolling.

The picture below is me shooting a two-tone Mark I with a 6-slot compensator in 45 Win Mag. These bad boys can really get someone's attention at the range!

Thanks so much for viewing this blog and good shootin'


1 comment:

  1. hi my name is alexandre from brazil and i just bought a dream called mark v in .50ae and .44magnun. it came with 4 mags in .50 and 2 on .44´s. now im looking for a barrel in 45 wm . can i use one off those mags in .50 to the 45wm.?? with the mag adjusted and a new barrel in 45wm do i need to change springs or extractors??
