Wouldn't it be nice if these guns were still being produced. I understood that LAR experienced overwhelming response to the offering of these pistols. It would be nice to know the real story of their demise. I have heard rumors that LAR at one time got in some trouble with issues and/or lawsuits revolvong around some government contracts and shortly after that they discontinued production of the pistols.
Does anyone know the real scoop?

I own a LAR Grizzly Win-Mag .45 #A001498.
This particular model had Gold plating on the barrel, trigger, site, etc...
How does this effect the re-sale price of my gun?
I own a LAR Grizzly Win-Mag .45 #A001498.
This particular model had Gold plating on the barrel, trigger, site, etc...
How does this effect the re-sale price of my gun?
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